CoolProp is the coolest package for using thermodynamics properties. I use it for my thesis purpose in python.Usually it can be installed using cmd in windows.But if you work with anaconda ,the cmd just can’t recognize python. So,you have to start with anaconda prompt.
But anaconda prompt usually search in the anaconda cloud and in anaconda cloud coolprop may not be in the updated form.So,you have to use pip to install it.
If you have a higher version of python ,you have already pip installed in it.So,you need not to worry about installing it.
So, the steps are :
1.Open the anaconda prompt.
2.type pip install CoolProp
hit enter and thats it!Anaconda will automatically install CoolProp.
One problem i faced during my installation is that my visual c++ was not updated.So, if you get similar type of problem, just install the visual c++.Here is a stackoverflow link i used to solve my problem.
I hope that helps to solve coolprop problem.Cheers!
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